As you know, grief is a difficult emotion to feel and a difficult experience to go through. It feels like there isn't much you can do about it, but this article from Lucille Rosetti from The Bereaved gives you ideas to work through the grieving process. We all live with loss in some way or another, and we all have to come to terms with it at some point. There are many ways that grief can manifest itself, and here are some suggestions from Vilomah Voice on how to survive grief, loss, and sadness. Get Creative One way to combat depression is to get creative. Whether it’s painting, woodworking, drawing, writing, or anything else that exercises your creativity, just getting those creative juices flowing can help you manage your sadness and grief. Creativity has also been shown to improve cognitive functioning in people who are feeling down, which means they will think more positively about themselves and others around them—another important factor when combating grief and sadness. There are tons of ideas for what you can do creatively if you’re feeling down. Don’t forget that there are plenty of apps out there that can help you along the way. Before getting started, take steps to reduce stress at home such as decluttering, cleaning, and adding some indoor plants.
Founder of Vilomah Voice, Sharon Delaney McCloud, created Macie's Garden in memory of her late daughter. Sharon uses Macie's bedroom as a home studio to make handmade shells decorated with butterflies and other gifts from nature. "Spending time in Macie's room creating art helps me feel close to my daughter and brings me joy," says McCloud. Adopt from Your Local Animal Shelter One of the best ways to get out of a bad mood is to spend quality time with animals. Animals have a way of reminding us that life is more than just work, school, and the daily grind. They can provide a refreshing distraction from all of life’s problems, including grief. Just spending a few minutes playing with a dog or cat can help lower your blood pressure and increase levels of serotonin in your brain. So consider visiting your local animal shelter and adopting a new pet. Read a Good Book You can also read something by one of your favorite authors to get your mind off of things. Even if you just read the first page, it can help. It doesn’t need to be an in-depth novel that takes up all of your time. Reading just a little bit can remind you how much you enjoy reading. And when you find yourself reading more, it can provide some relief from depression. Find a More Rewarding Career If your current career has you stressed, overworked, and overwhelmed, it may be time to start exploring alternatives. This could include following a passion of yours or going back to school to learn new skills in a relevant field. When you’re ready to look for work, you’ll want to update your resume to showcase your experience, skills, and accomplishments. You can create an attractive and unique resume by using a free resume template that you can edit. Include whichever color schemes, photos, and backgrounds you desire. There’s something freeing and liberating about being your own boss. What’s more, the satisfaction and peace that you get from running your own company can help you during times of grief and depression. An LLC can be a good option for you if your dream is to own your own business. This entity offers many benefits, including tax advantages, more flexibility, less paperwork to worry about, and protection of your personal assets. Please note that each state has its laws on LLCs. So be sure to check the rules in your state to ensure compliance with LLC laws.
While a part of life, experiencing loss is a process that will take time to work through. Use some of the tips above to begin healing.
